Dr. Dong Li is an assistant professor of Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (CSEE) at University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC). His research vision is to develop mobile, wearable, and ubiquitous computing systems that can help humanity in healthcare equity, wealth distribution, and environmental sustainability by making them more affordable and accessible to the average user worldwide. His research interests lie in mobile computing, wireless sensing, wearable sensing, multi-model sensing, smart health, AI for IoT.
Dr. Li is the founder and director of the Future Sensing and Interaction Lab (FSI Lab). The lab focuses on exploring cost-effective and widely-accessible sensing systems for mobile and IoT devices to revolutionize ambient intelligence in health monitoring and human-computer interaction with enhanced precision and scalability. Our interdisciplinary research integrates innovations in sensor system development, algorithm design, data analytics, signal processing, hardware and firmware optimization. Our research spans the following core areas:
- Leveraging Smart Devices for Health Monitoring: Utilizing affordable and accessible devices (e.g., smartphones, wearables, and IoT sensors) to monitor general health indicators, vital signs, and physical activities, with applications in both clinical and everyday health contexts.
- Enabling Novel Human-IoT Interaction: Creating innovative interfaces that enhance interactions between humans and smart devices, leveraging non-intrusive sensing to deliver seamless, context-aware, and intuitive user experiences.
- Advancing Sensing with Enhanced Precision and Scalability: Exploring innovative sensing techniques to improve accuracy and reliability while ensuring scalability for large-scale deployments in real-world environments.
I am actively looking for self-motivated Ph.D. students, master sutdents and research interns to join my group. Feel free to send me an email with your CV.
03/2025 | I am honored to be nominated by Dean Anupam Joshi and Associate Dean Vandana Janeja, with support from the Office of the Provost, to participate in the NCFDD Faculty Success Program (Summer 2025), a prestigious initiative that fosters faculty productivity and professional growth. |
03/2025 | Invited to serve as a session chair for PerCom '25. |
03/2025 | I will be attending PerCom '25 in Washington, D.C., from March 17-21, 2025. Looking forward to connecting and discussing exciting ideas with you there! |
03/2025 | Received SURFF funding from UMBC ORD. |
02/2025 | Invited to serve on the Technical Program Committee for HumanSys '25. |
02/2025 | Awarded the UMB ICTR Pilot Grant. |
12/2024 | Invited to serve as the local chair for SEC '25. |
11/2024 | Invited to serve as a reviewer for IMWUT '25. |
11/2024 | I will be attending MobiCom '24 in Washington, D.C., from November 18-22, 2024. Looking forward to connecting and discussing exciting ideas with you there! |
11/2024 | I have been accpeted to attend the NeTS Early Career Investigator Workshop on January 15-16, 2025 at NSF Headquarters. |
10/2024 | Invited to serve on the Technical Program Committee for EWSN '25. |
10/2024 | Invited to serve as a reviewer for TPCI '24. |
10/2024 | Received the Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE) award to support undergraduate research from UMBC ORCA. |
09/2024 | Invited to serve on the Technical Program Committee for PerCom '25. |
09/2024 | Our paper is accepted at MobiHoc' 24. |
Selection Publications
MobiHoc | SONDAR: Size and Shape Measurements Using Acoustic Imaging Xiaoxuan Liang∗, Zhaolong Wei∗, Dong Li, Jie Xiong, Jeremy Gummeson (*Equal contribution) ACM International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing, Athens, Greece, October 2024 |
MobiCom | PowerPhone: Unleashing the Acoustic Sensing Capability of Smartphones Shirui Cao*, Dong Li*, Sunghoon Ivan Lee, Jie Xiong (*Equal contribution) ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Madrid, Spain, October 2023 PDF Webpage Code |
SenSys | Room-scale Hand Gesture Recognition Using Smart Speakers Dong Li, Jialin Liu, Sunghoon Ivan Lee, Jie Xiong ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, Boston, USA, November 2022 |
MobiCom | Experience: Practical Problems for Acoustic Sensing Dong Li*, Shirui Cao*, Sunghoon Ivan Lee, Jie Xiong (*Equal contribution) ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Sydney, Australia, November 2022 |
IMWUT/ UbiComp | Enabling Contact-free Acoustic Sensing under Device Motion Jialin Liu*, Dong Li*, Lei Wang, Fusang Zhang, Jie Xiong (*Equal contribution) Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Atlanta, USA and Cambridge, UK, September 2022 |
IMWUT/ UbiComp | LASense: Pushing the Limits of Fine-grained Activity Sensing Using Acoustic Signals Dong Li, Jialin Liu, Sunghoon Ivan Lee, Jie Xiong Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Atlanta, USA and Cambridge, UK, September 2022 |